📄️ Overview
You can start staking today through the staking portal
📄️ Protocol Components
Milkomeda Liquid Staking protocol consists of three upgradeable smart contracts, deployed through an ERC1967Proxy. The core logic resides primarily in the Liquid Staking contract. This contract features a set of public functions that can be invoked by either DApps or individual users. Additionally, it contains an exclusive function designed for depositing rewards, which is solely callable via the Milkomeda Bridge.
📄️ Integrating Liquid Staking
Milkomeda Liquid Staking can be integrated in any EVM DApp by supporting the stMADA token, since rewards will accrue to the smart contract that hold stMADA.
📄️ Deployed Contracts
- StakedMada - An ERC20 like token used to represent stakers share of the pool