
Validators Election

The complete research paper is available here

In this section, we isolate the validator election process from the rest of the protocol and treat it initially as a separate component. We propose a novel proof-of-stake auction for the validator election. In particular, we first define the setting and then determine the desired properties for a proof-of-stake auction, i.e., an auction that correlates the staked amounts to validator slots that operate the rollup. Finally, we present a novel auction mechanism and prove it satisfies our desired properties.


There exist nn parties [P0,,Pn][P_0, \dots, P_n]. Each party PiP_i holds an amount SiS_i (stake) which is publicly known at the start of the execution to all other parties.

The execution comprises "epochs". Each epoch consists of ee slots where each slot corresponds to the generation of a block in the underlying L1.

All parties that are awarded at least one slot via the auction are eligible to take part in two mechanisms:

  1. the safe exit protocol which enables clients to exit the rollup -- in other words, an L2 to L1 bridge. Participation in the safe exit protocol may yield rewards if the party acts correctly, or slash its stake if the party misbehaves.
  2. the sequencer election protocol, where each party assigned in a slot, namely the sequencer, is collecting and publishing on-chain the rollup data. A correct sequencer is rewarded with revenue rr.

Note that all rewards are assigned at the end of the epoch and are given in the native token.

Locking the Stake & Delegation

Before each auction, a party can choose one of the following participation options:

  • participate in the auction directly;
  • delegate their participation rights to another party;
  • not participate in the auction at all.

If a party chooses to participate, either directly or via delegation, their funds (stake) are temporarily locked (at least until the end of the auction).

After the stakeholders lock their stake, each party PiP_i is associated with an amount of stake that is either 0 if the party opted with delegation or equal to the sum of the delegated stake to this party. We abuse the notation SiS_i to express the total amount of stake with which the party PiP_i participates in the auction, including the delegated stake to PiP_i. With sis_i we denote the proportional stake PiP_i owns, that is si=Sij=1nSjs_i=\frac{S_i}{\sum_{j=1}^n S_j}, where nn is the parties that participate in the auction -- i.e., excluding the delegators.

Auction characteristics

The auction has the following characteristics: i) a number s-s of indivisible, identical items (i.e., the slots) is auctioned; ii) each party iii) each party can only bid once and its bid is committing (e.g., locks an amount of funds on-chain); iv) each bid becomes public instantly.

Identical items. For simplicity, we assume that all slots in an epoch are identical. This assumption is very strong as the order of slots is, in fact, critical for the liveness of the rollup. If the adversary manages to acquire more than uu consecutive slots -- via biasing the randomness or successful grinding attacks -- he may effectively censor transactions in the rollup, violating the liveness property. In this case, the bundle of consecutive slots will infinitely increase the utility of the adversary. To address these attack vectors without incorporating them into the utility function, we later introduce a property for the auction, namely unpredictability, that guarantees that any PPT adversary cannot bias or predict the auction outcome in a meaningful manner. Due to this property, we can assume that the items of the auction are identical.

Auction Properties

The overarching goal of the allocation mechanism should ensure that the parties are allocated a fraction of the slots that is on average equal to their staking percentage. Towards that end, definitions 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 distill the necessary properties that the slot auction mechanism should satisfy.

First, market clearance guarantees that all items are allocated to parties. In the validator election setting, this ensures that each slot will be assigned a validator. Second, symmetry guarantees that the items will be allocated solely based on the stakes of the parties and not their public keys. Third, unpredictability ensures that an adversary cannot predict the outcome of the auction beforehand, and thus cannot grind on potential keys and/or divisions of its stake that may result in acquiring consecutive slots (liveness attack). Finally, Sybil and collusion resilience guarantee that the auction mechanism is not vulnerable to Sybil and collusion attacks, respectively. Intuitively, a party cannot increase its allocated items by combining its stake with other parties (collusion-resilience) or splitting its stake across multiple "fake" identities (Sybil-resilience).

An allocation rule is an algorithm A\mathbf{A} that, given as input the stake percentages of the parties s={s1,s2,,sn}R\mathbf{s}=\{s_1,s_2, \dots, s_n \} \in \mathbb{R} and a random seed rr, returns a two-dimensional matrix of random variables Yi,jY_{i, j} that denotes the allocation of the items. In particular, Yi,j=1Y_{i, j} = 1 if item jsj \in -s is allocated to validator PiP_i.

Definition 1 (Market Clearing) The allocation rule should allocate exactly II items, ijYi,j=I\sum_{\forall i} \sum_{\forall j} Y_{i,j} = I.

Definition 2 (Symmetry) An allocation rule is symmetric if for every permutation π\pi on any stake distribution s\mathbf{s} resulting in YY', it holds Pr[Yi,j=1]=Pr[Yπ(i),j=1]Pr[Y_{i,j}=1]=Pr[Y'_{\pi(i),j}=1].

A symmetric allocation rule also ensures that two parties with the same stake win a slot with the same probability.

Definition 3 (Slot Symmetry) An allocation rule is slot-symmetric if any two slots are equally likely to be allocated to a party: Pi,jjI,Pr[Yi,j=1]=Pr[Yi,j=1].\forall P_i, \forall j \neq j' \in I, Pr[Y_{i,j}=1]=Pr[Y_{i,j'}=1].

Corollary 1 A symmetric allocation rule of identical items is also slot-symmetric.

Definition 4 (Unpredictability) Before the allocation of the auction on-chain, any PPT adversary must not be able to distinguish between two (plausible) allocations that are sampled from the same stake distribution. Formally, given any pair of allocations Yi,jY_{i,j} and Yi,jY'_{i,j} with (i(Yi,jYi,j))j<ϵ\lVert \left( \sum_{i} (Y_{i,j} - Y'_{i,j}) \right)_j \rVert_{\infty} < \epsilon, an adversary cannot distinguish between the two outcomes with probability greater than 1/2f(ϵ)1/2 - f(\epsilon).

Definition 5 (Sybil Resilience) For every stake distribution s\mathbf{s} and every stake distribution \mathbf{'} that can be derived from s\mathbf{s} by replacing a party PiP_i with stake percentage sis_i by a set P\mathcal{P'} of parties with total stake percentage at most sis_i, the total expected items allocated to the parties P\mathcal{P'} (denoted by YY') is at most that of party PiP_i in the initial stake distribution (denoted by YY): iPjsYi,jjsYi,j\sum_{i \in \mathcal{P'}} \sum_{j \in -s } Y'_{i,j}\leq \sum_{j \in -s } Y_{i,j}

Definition 6 (Collusion Resilience) For every stake distribution s\mathbf{s} and every stake distribution s\mathbf{s'} that can be derived from s\mathbf{s} by replacing a set P\mathcal{P} of parties by a new party PiP_{i'} with stake percentage at most siiPsis_{i'} \leq \sum_{i \in \mathcal{P}} s_i, the total expected items allocated to the party PiP_{i'} under ss' (denoted by YY') is at most the total expected items of the parties P\mathcal{P'} (denoted by YY): jsYi,jiPjsYi,j\sum_{j \in -s } Y'_{i',j} \leq \sum_{i \in \mathcal{P}} \sum_{j \in -s } Y_{i,j}

Proving that a mechanism is symmetric and market clearing is typically a direct result of the definitions. However, proving that the mechanism satisfies Sybil resilience and collusion resilience can be significantly trickier. To make the analysis more straightforward, we define a third property, fairness. Intuitively, fairness guarantees that each individual party is allocated their fair share of items, which is equal to their stake percentage. Following closely the results of [CPR19], Lemma 1 shows that fairness is equivalent to Sybil and collusion resilience in any symmetric and market clearing mechanism. Therefore, to guarantee Sybil and collusion resilience, it suffices to show that a mechanism allocates to each party an average number of items equal to its staking percentage.

Definition 7 (Fairness) The mechanism should allocate to party PiP_i on expectation siIs_i \cdot I items.

Lemma 1 A market clearing allocation mechanism (cf. Definitions and 1) is symmetric, Sybil resilient, and collusion resilient (cf. Definitions 2, 5 and 6) if and only if it is fair (cf. Definition 7).

The proof of the lemma is similar to the proof of the uniqueness of the proportional allocation rule for block rewards presented in [CPR19] (Theorem 1). It is straightforward to adapt the proof to show that any allocation mechanism is fair if and only if it is market clearing, symmetric, Sybil-resilient, and collusion-resilient.

Sybil and collusion resilience (and its equivalent, fairness) is a core property to guarantee proportional representation and, eventually, security against adversarial takeovers. However, requiring the expected items per party to be equal to their power is not necessarily enough to make the allocation mechanism appealing. For instance, consider Bitcoin's reward allocation mechanism. In Bitcoin, a party produces a block on each round of execution with probability proportional to its power. Thus, on expectation in the long term, each party produces a proportion of blocks equal to their power. However, in the short term, a party with small power will typically not produce any blocks. This is particularly problematic when considering temporal discounting [RL11], that is the tendency to disfavor rare or delayed rewards. In Bitcoin, this arguably translates into the formation of mining pools, which promise slightly lower, but more frequent, rewards to smaller miners.

In our setting, to make the allocation more appealing, we define the concentration property (Definition 8). This property sets a lower limit to the number of items each party is allocated per auction, which is equal to the floor of its (stake-based) proportion. For instance, if a party controls 1.71.7% of power, it should receive at least 11% of all items in all cases --- and possibly more items with some probability. Consequently, the income rate (in terms of items) for each party is steadier and the variance depends only on the decimal part of its stake percentage. Nonetheless, we will treat concentration as optional, since it is not a prerequisite for preventing a malicious party from acquiring a disproportionate amount of items (in the scope of the entire execution).

Definition 8 ((Optional) Concentration) The mechanism should allocate to party PiP_i at least sI\lfloor s \cdot I \rfloor items.

A correlated notion that captures the behavior of miners in the Bitcoin network is risk-neutrality and risk-averseness. In the former, the miners' utility is proportional to their expectation of rewards, while in the latter, the miners' utility is a strictly concave function of the expected rewards. However, this approach rules out the proportional allocation rule for risk-averse parties [CPR19]. In contrast, our concentration property captures the desired behavior of bidders and at the same time allows for a more flexible design space.

To summarize, the properties our allocation mechanism must satisfy are: market clearance (Def. 1), unpredictability, (Def.4), fairness (Def.7), and concentration (Def.8). We will also show, slot-symmetry (Def.3) as we will need it in the next section.

Proof-of-Stake Action

In this section, we present our solution that consists of two components: (a)~a functionality that maps a vector of reals to a vector of integers with the same expectation on the sum and a corresponding algorithm that implements it; (b) an allocation algorithm that distributes the items to the bidders such that the desired properties are satisfied.

Random Sampling Functionality (RSF) F(x)\mathcal{F}(\vec{x}) An RSF is a function that, given nn non-negative real numbers xix_i which sum to a ***positive integer} x=i=1nxiZ+x = \sum_{i = 1}^n x_i \in \mathbb{Z}^+, outputs a random vector of non-negative integers VNn\vec{V} \in \mathbb{N}^n, such that: i) E[Vi]=xiE[V_i] = x_i, and ii) i=1nVi=x\sum_{i = 1}^n V_i = x.

Allocation Algorithm A\mathcal{A} The inputs to A\mathcal{A} are as follows:

  • II: the number of items;
  • nn: the number of parties;
  • sis_i: the stake percentage of party PiP_i , s.t. i=1nsi=1\sum_{i=1}^n s_i = 1.

A\mathcal{A} operates as follows:

  • Deterministically allocate siI\lfloor s_i \cdot I \rfloor items to each bidder PiP_i. Let x=Ii=1nsiIx = I - \sum_{i = 1}^n \left\lfloor s_i \cdot I \right \rfloor be the remaining, unallocated items.
  • Call a Random Functionality F\mathcal{F} sub-routine with input a vector x\vec{x} of nn values, where xi=siIsiIx_i = s_i \cdot I - \lfloor s_i \cdot I \rfloor. For each value ViV_i in the output of F\mathcal{F}, assign ViV_i extra items to bidder PiP_i.

Interval Sampling Algorithm We now realize the random functionality F\mathcal{F} via the following algorithm S\mathcal{S}. The input to S\mathcal{S} is (as with F\mathcal{F}):

  • x\vec{x}: a vector of nn real numbers [x1,x2,,xn][x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n]. S\mathcal{S} operates as follows:
  • Consider an interval of the real line which consists of the concatenation of nn intervals each of length xix_i. In other words, split the interval [0,x][0, x], where x=i=1nxix = \sum_{i = 1}^n x_i, into nn parts like I1=(0,x1],I2=(x1,x1+x2],,In=(xxn,x]I_1 = (0, x_1], I_2 = (x_1, x_1 + x_2], \dots, I_n = (x - x_n, x].
  • For each integer j{1,,x}j \in \{1, \dots, x\}, sample PjP_j uniformly at random on the interval (0,x](0, x].
  • Let Yi,jY_{i, j} be the indicator random variable of the event that PjIiP_j \in I_i.
  • Define Vi=j=1xYi,jV_i = \sum_{j = 1}^x Y_{i, j} for all i[n]i \in [n].
  • Output V=(V1,V2,,Vn)\vec{V} = (V_1, V_2, \ldots, V_n).

Lemma 2 The interval sampling algorithm S\mathcal{S} implements a random sampling functionality F\mathcal{F}.

Proof For every sample PjP_j, the probability of sampling a number on the ii-th interval at any stage is exactly xi/xx_i / x. Therefore, by linearity of expectation, for each vector position ii it holds that: E[Vi]=j=1xE[Yi,j]=j=1xPr[Yi,j=1]=j=1xxix=xxix=xiE[V_i] = \sum_{j = 1}^x E[Y_{i, j}] = \sum_{j = 1}^x \Pr[Y_{i, j} = 1] = \sum_{j = 1}^x \frac{x_i}{x} = x \cdot \frac{x_i}{x} = x_i so the first RSF condition holds.

Regarding the second RSF condition, for the entire vector V\vec{V} it holds: i=1nVi=i=1nj=1xYi,j=j=1xi=1nYi,j=j=1x1=x\sum_{i = 1}^n V_i = \sum_{i = 1}^n \sum_{j = 1}^x Y_{i, j} = \sum_{j = 1}^x \sum_{i = 1}^n Y_{i, j} = \sum_{j = 1}^x 1 = x

Random seed (r). Our allocation mechanism needs some source of randomness to realize the Interval Sampling Algorithm. We propose to use the underlying blockchain to acquire a shared random seed among the participants. In particular, we propose that rr is set as the VRF solution included in the block generated exactly after the end of the auction. The reason we chose this value is that it is unbiasable and unpredictable by any participant in the auction.


We now prove our proposed solution described in Section~\ref{sec:algorithm} satisfies the desired properties of Section~\ref{sec:properties}.

Theorem 1 Algorithm A\mathcal{A} satisfies the market clearing property (Definition~\ref{def:clearing}).

Proof The number of items that the algorithm allocates is as follows.

  • First, A\mathcal{A} by definition allocates x=i=1nsiIx = \sum_{i=1}^n \lfloor s_i \cdot I \rfloor items.
  • Second, A\mathcal{A} calls the random functionality F(x)\mathcal{F}(\vec{x}) with input the remaining items y=Ii=1nsiIy = I - \sum_{i=1}^n \lfloor s_i \cdot I \rfloor. By definition of F\mathcal{F}, i.e., since i=1nVi=x\sum_{i=1}^n V_i = x, these are all allocated.

Therefore, in total x+y=i=1nsiI+Ii=1nsiI=Ix + y = \sum_{i=1}^n \lfloor s_i \cdot I \rfloor + I - \sum_{i=1}^n \lfloor s_i \cdot I \rfloor = I items are allocated by A.\mathcal{A}.

Theorem 2 Algorithm A\mathcal{A} satisfies the unpredictability property (Definition 2).

Sketch Proof The unpredictability of the algorithm depends solely on the selection of the random seed rr. Assuming that the auction participants have no influence on the underlying blockchain, hence they cannot affect the random values produced by the L1, the random seed is unpredictable and unbiasable because it is produced after the bids are placed and it is not affected/correlated with the operations of the L2.

We note here, that even if the stakeholders that bid for slots in the rollup are also validators for the L1, they cannot know in advance the random seed as the outcome of the VRF cannot be precomputed.

In general, we assume there is always a way to extract from the L1 unpredictable and unbiasable randomness because otherwise, the L1 proof of stake consensus suffers similar problems.

Theorem 3 Algorithm A\mathcal{A} satisfies the slot-symmetry property (Definition 3). Proof Given an unbiasable and unpredictable random seed (Theorem 2), the algorithm assigns the validators to slots uniformly at random, therefore each party is assigned to each slot with equal probability. Thus, slot-symmetry is satisfied in algorithm A\mathcal{A} -- even if the slots are not ``identical'' items.

Theorem 4 Algorithm A\mathcal{A} satisfies the fairness property (Definition 7).

Proof Each party PiP_i is allocated by algorithm A\mathcal{A} the following items.

First, it gets siI\lfloor s_i \cdot I \rfloor items (deterministically).

Second, it gets (on expectation) siIsiIs_i \cdot I - \lfloor s_i \cdot I \rfloor items.

Therefore, on expectation, on each auction a party PiP_i is allocated siI+siIsiI=siI\lfloor s_i \cdot I \rfloor + s_i \cdot I - \lfloor s_i \cdot I \rfloor = s_i \cdot I, so the fairness property holds.

Theorem 5 Algorithm A\mathcal{A} satisfies the concentration property (Definition~\ref{def:lower}).

Proof The property is satisfied directly by the algorithm's definition as, in its first step, allocates siI\lfloor s_i \cdot I \rfloor items to each party PiP_i.