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How do I control my WSC?

The Layer 1 (L1) blockchain acts as a robust coordination layer, allowing users to execute smart contracts on sidechains or L2 while remaining on the L1 blockchain. While you can have funds in the WSC and transfer them from the L1 to the L2 and from the L2 to the L1, the action is triggered by the Layer 1 address.

What fees do I pay for using WSC?

The transaction costs can be broken down into these components:

  • Bridge Fee - a fee of 1.1 TADA is paid to the bridge
    • 0.1 TADA for wrapping
    • 1.0 TADA for unwrapping
  • Bridge Lock-up - a temporary deposit of 3 ADA is locked in the bridge. Upon unwrapping, you will receive back the 3 ADA deposit.
  • EVM fees - the gas for the transaction on the sidechain

Can the Actor address be updated?

No, the WSC is bound to the user's Layer 1 address.

I have lost control of my Layer 1 address. Can I recover assets that are in the WSC?

The WSC is like an extension of the Layer 1 address on another chain and only the Layer 1 address bound to the WSC can control it. Unfortunately the assets on the WSC cannot be recovered.